The New Normal - What It Means to Go "Back to Work"


The New Normal

What It Means to Go "Back to Work"

A lot has changed us over the last year. Quarantine. George Floyd. How we shop. What we wear. How we lead. As we see businesses flip their sign from “closed” to “Open” and some are heading back into the office, we ask “What does the "new normal" look like?”. Tune in to this powerful session to learn how other women business leaders have changed, how the last year impacted their leadership, and if they are ready to ditch their slippers!


Key Takeaways


Autumn Kyles: We had to make the tough decision to close down [Detroit Dough] and throughout this process, I noticed that there were a lot of Black women starting businesses so I decided to build Proxie - a community that bridges the gap between business resources and Black women entrepreneurs.

Micki Krimmel: [with everything shutting down] We paused all PR & marketing efforts and went back to where we were 2 years ago. We went back to basics and took this time to connect with our community and conducted an intensive customer research project. Our community really guided us to pivot towards selling plus-sized only. This downtime was really clarifying for us and figure out our unique position in the marketplace and what problem we can solve better than the larger activewear brands.

Kirsten Bowen: Overnight went from a storefront organization to a digital - pivot our product assortment and the way that we serve our customers and made sure we were leveraging our stylists and focused more on social selling. We became more like a startup - lots of agility and pivoting and keeping everyone really close. We were nimble and communicated often and openly. We also have a very flexible work environment now — we don’t have to work in the office 5 days a week to be productive. We are able to balance out our families [with our work].

Autumn: You know in your gut what is happening. We are in this renaissance period and so things die and things are birthed - if you’re in an industry that is about to die don’t waste time putting more into it and make it work. The best you can do is acknowledge where you are, close up shop know when to close it, and come up with something fresh. As a result [of letting go], I was able to [see] that Black women are starting businesses more than any other demographic and they need support.

Personal Style

Kirsten: Coming out of the pandemic we are seeing now is that the women still want to feel put together but comfort is more important. Bold colors, patterns, more emotional styles still favored but we are not going to compromise comfort for personal style

What would you tell yourself 15 months ago, pre-covid?

Autumn: “You are right where you need to be.”

Micki:” [Re-learn] the importance of having a plan. Focus on not just where you’re going this year but next year and next 5 years. ”

Kirsten: “Keep focus, stay on ur strategy. Know where you need to go and keep going while always being mindful of agility.”

Goals for Next 5 Years

Micki: our goal is to become the most trusted brand for plus size activewear - new markets, wholesale - figure out how to do this at scale

Autumn: Proxie (missed this) love to be an International advocate for diverse business owners.

Kirsten: Brick and mortar still important but hybrid digital is key to success- but WHBM is working to continue meeting customers where their and their needs are.

Looking Ahead

Kirsten: Social calendars are filling back up, travel plans being reinstated, and weddings coming back. ” We are very optimistic with our product and staying on brand DNA, this is the time to take risks. If you know your brand and stay connected to your customers, this is the time to accelerate things and take a chance.

Autumn: - Wrapping up Detroit Dough in a few months, releasing it, and letting go! Excited about focusing more on Proxie and helping people develop their business strategies in person.”  

Micki: Interested in what people are demanding of businesses. Customers want to know what your company believes in, why do you exist, and who is your supply chain [what is your company doing to make a positive impact]. We are excited that customers demanding more from companies - our brand values and how is a major strength of Superfit Hero.



The journey along the way inspires creativity. Take time to stop and discover that. Take a moment, take a pivot, and keep going. “ - Kirsten Bowen

On looking ahead: “I am going to allow our customers and our community and [to tell me] where we go next. [I am] open to the possibility of wild growth. - Autumn Kyles

“We can do our best to plan and be well situated but there is no such thing as security and control.“ - Micki Krimmel

“As [difficult] as 2020 was, it forced me to kind of reinvent my purpose in terms of this personal passions. There is so much more beyond our world and we all have to find a community to show us that [that].” - Rosie Rios


Action Steps

Autumn Kyles: Do something that scares you. Take one thing and go for it.

Micki Krimmel: Have a conversation with your current & potential customers and ask them what their biggest challenge doing x (x being whatever your product or services is/offers).

Kirsten Bowen: Build your network! Find someone who inspires you and someone you want to connect with. The more you build your network the more you can leverage your relationships.