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Defining Your Brand Identity and Bringing It to Life

Defining Your Brand Identity and Bringing It to Life

The first step to a striking and powerful business isn't branding, it's what happens before that. In this panel we will dive in with 3 incredible women to discuss what it means to define your brand identity. What does your business stand for? How does your business support its values through action and branding? Walk away with tangible tools to define your brand identity and begin bringing that to life!

Key Takeaways

Finding Your Why

  • The first step in the process - the why is your purpose and what you can offer

    • Re-Inc started with the why and then we looked into the product/business 

    • the heart of Bombchel’s why remained the same but the how changed as a result of challenges

      • Staying true to her why helped her adapt while maintaining & building trust w/ target audience

Brand Colors

  • Use colors that are true to your brand identity & feel authentic to the target audience.

    • Be mindful not to let folks outside your target dictate what they think you should be

Authenticity in Brand Voice

  • Messaging must be true to your brand identity - communication rooted in why and brand values

  • Respond in a way that feels authentic - if you’re why is rooted in social justice then your brand identity - brand personality + tone - will reflect that.

  • Don’t be afraid of losing customers - if they don’t like it, then they’re not your target audience and you can tell them #byefelicia. Your authentic brand voice will not only strengthen your relationship with your audience but you will gain some!


"For every customer you lose, you'll get 10 more in your tribe" & “Advice is important but remember - some people think too small to talk to”. - Archel Bernard

"We don’t react, we lead" & “A brand is so much more than a brand banner it is what you do.” - Jess Tiller

“If your house is a mess, clean that shit up.” & “I am relentless and I never give up.” - Bea Dixon

Action Steps

Jess Tillyer: Get out a piece of paper, write down exactly what that idea is and put it somewhere that is meaningful to you. Commit it to yourself and ask the universe to commit it to you.

Archel Bernard: Sometimes it is better to just do it/ launch it and then continue to make iterations. Perfection is a nice word for procrastination. If you're waiting until you're perfect you’re not doing anything. Do the thing you’ve been wanting to do

Bea Dixon: Get out of your mind and get into your body. Check-in with yourself and remember that each can moment can be a new one. [If you’re too in your ego/unwell] you have the opportunity to change things.

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